Friday, November 12, 2010

How To Beat Pack 3 Level 48 Bloons

Claudia Paola Dialogue with creators of the Urban Forest
In Quarter Tunjuelito in Bogota in the middle of town lies a little garden of life. Paola and James (son of Paola and Juan Manuel) have created their "Jungle." In the courtyard of an old house rehabilitated the place, seized the land and after a course at the Botanical Garden forest developed their organic Hundreds of tasty lettuce now available on your desktop and others arrive at Conscious Organic Market and United.
More pictures of the Jungle PAOLA'S DREAM AND JAMES

Frozen Pregnant Woman


Genkihar interviewing Philip, in the image also Manuela (Ecologist)

Genkihar explains the importance of organic home garden
Philip (writer and traveler), Andres (representativeness in agricultural affairs of the Municipality of Chipaque) and Ricardo Torres (leader, entrepreneur and staunch defender of local customs)

Sowing organic but with social responsibility if

Claudia and Philip receives Genkihar seed reserve in the Field School and Life

Sequence of images of the visit of Philip, the French writer looking for the actual truth of organic crops, in the process of writing a book we visited (in Field School and Life ) for our perceptions and realities. We remain transparent they really are, a process.

With Nestor Horton red jacket, a community leader in the region,
spoke to Philip about his experience as green planter

As humans are permanent learners with the aim of becoming a green community, we continued the search, we continue to recognize the knowledge of plants, the wonderful experience of farmers, the contribution of eco-villages and we , here in Colombia with the doors open and hearts ready to receive visitors, learning and teaching in the practice of living in harmony. Good wind and good sea Philp.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Denise Milani Homemade

Chico Buarque, Minister of Education Brazil

During a discussion at a U.S. university, he asked the former governor of the Federal District and current Minister of Education of Brazil, CRISTOVÃO Chico Buarque , what he thought about the internationalization of Amazonia .

A United Nations U.S. introduced his question, saying he hoped the response of a humanist and not a Brazilian.
This was the response Mr Cristóvão Buarque:

really, as a Brazilian, only speak against the internationalization of the Amazon. As much as our governments due care that heritage, and l is ours.

As a humanist, feeling the risk of degradation Environmental gets the Amazon, I can imagine his internationalization como también de todo lo demás, que  es de suma importancia para la humanidad. 

Si la Amazonia, desde una ética humanista, debe ser  internacionalizada, internacionalicemos también las  reservas de petróleo del mundo entero.   El petróleo es tan importante para el bienestar de la  humanidad como la Amazonia para nuestro futuro. A pesar de  eso, los dueños de las reservas creen tener el derecho de  aumentar o disminuir la extracción oil and its price up or not.

Similarly, the financial capital rich countries should be internationalized. If the Amazon is a reserve for all human beings, not be burned only by the will of an owner or a country. burn the Amazon is as serious as the unemployment caused by the arbitrary decisions global speculators.

We can not have financial reserves serve to burn entire countries in the luxury of speculation. Also, before Amazon, I would like to see internationalization of the great museums of the world.

The Louvre should not belong only to France. Every museum in the world is the guardian of the most beautiful produced by human genius. You can not let that cultural heritage, natural heritage as Amazon be manipulated and destroyed for the pleasure an owner or a country.

Not long ago, a Japanese millionaire decided buried along with him, a picture of a great teacher. By contrast, this picture would have been internationalized.

During this meeting, the UN is doing Millennium Forum, but some presidents had difficulties participating countries, due to unpleasant situations arising on the border of U.S. So I think that New York, to host the United Nations, must be internationalized. At least Manhattan should belong to all mankind.

In the same way as Paris, Venice, Rome, London, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia ... each city, with its specific beauty, history of the world should belong to the world.

If the U.S. wants to internationalize Amazon, not risk of leaving it in the hands of Brazilian , internationalize all nuclear arsenals. Just think they already showed they were able to use those weapons, causing destruction thousands of times greater than the unfortunate fires burning in the forests of Brazil.

In their speeches, the current presidential candidates United States have defended the idea of \u200b\u200binternationalizing world's forest reserves in exchange for debt.

Let's start using this debt to ensure that every child the world has the chance to eat and go to school . Internationalize the children treating them all no matter what country they were born, as heritage deserve care worldwide. much more than they deserve in the Amazon. When leaders treat poor children of the world as a World Heritage Humanity will not allow that work when they should study, they die when they should live.

As a humanist, I accept defend the internationalization of the world, but while the world I treated as Brazilian fight for the Amazon is ours. Only ours!

NOTE: This article was published in the NEW YORK TIMES , WASHINGTON POST, USA TODAY and the largest circulation daily Europe and Japan. but in Brazil and throughout Latin America, this article was not published. Help us to disclose it. Thanks