Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Does Heartgold Work On Desume

Cordoba saws are in danger.

Thanks to Sebastian DI Vindigni by mail and disseminate .
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 11:39 pm

Traslasierra and the Sierras de Cordoba need everyone to know.


Today Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 9:23
Cordoba Sierras Goodbye! adopted the open-pit mining!
Everyone in Argentina, "including 2 million tourists every year visit Cordoba, media, people in the mountain valleys - know which authorized the exploration of a large area of \u200b\u200bhigh mountains (the mountains higher than seen from all sides) in search of uranium deposits. The area in question is approximately 500 hectares, is in the birth of most watersheds Traslasierra valley a few kilometers from the Quebrada de los
Condoritos 'protected area'.


this matter is finalized entire mountains would be demolished with explosives, pollute the water with the products used for the extraction of uranium, and would create a huge canyon where water in summer would rise to possible landslides Peoples of Cordoba. Adverse effects on the economy of the province, and still do not know what kind of effects can cause the health of the population. If you are interested in collaborating
shared this note to all your contacts or at least those who believe will be interested at some point soon is muyposible we have to start to act, now we have to learn.
The Condoritos, this place is at the center of the scan, the path of the high peaks through one of these hills. Locality
Nono, the people who will be most affected by the disaster. Its river that passes a few blocks from the plaza was born in the gorge. It is very likely that if it takes 5 miles of river, the river rises as ever.


DIFUNDÍS DID? FOR OUR GOOD! is my country and yours ... Córdoba is .. is ours ... Everything ... I want it also to my children ... of yours ...!!! Aurora School

Fleming 33
Secondary Aurora - Kindergarten
El Rinconcito 5194
Springs 64 Villa General Belgrano, Province of Cordoba, Argentina
Tel (03546) 464 510
Secretariat: opening hours from 10 to 12: 30 hours


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