alerts are heard in the media, nature strikes us angry face, it is clear that if the population continues to increase in high risk areas and forests continue to disappear, there is little reason for optimism. Many scientists believe that our planet has become a dangerous place due to the changes humans have caused in the atmosphere and oceans. These changes, in turn, have led to the increased frequency and severity of natural disasters. And it seems that the situation will improve in the future.
This is not in the distant future, the problem exists now, and most of the population, skeptical, does not believe the damage we cause every day, is responsible for these disasters.
radio is heard as a company in the house of Mary ... Worldwide could lead to nuclear conflict, drought, famine and widespread rioting. In this context, countries will develop its nuclear capability to defend and ensure the provision of water, food and energy. She begins her busy day, with a little music, and listen to this news, which is no longer news, and think -Bah ... I got tired of so many lies, here's all good, I have water, and all the amenities to worry about! It is summer in Argentina, and temperatures vary in a way incomprehensible. After a hot night, open the shower water, and let it run while you choose the clothes to wear. It was decided, forget the lights lit the room, taking a bath (very long would a European), breakfast, leaves his car for work. On the way buy everything you can imagine, in those plastic packages that no one recycles. When it or realize that the day before had left the compu pinned down a CD.
And so could list as many things a person does not realize, and yet so many suffer. All that harms others, while we have facilities, others die for lack of food and water. And we are contributing to growing inequality between rich and poor. 815 million people go hungry while most of the grain goes to livestock. Can not we give up a little of this, in exchange for a more equitable distribution? The new technologies, fuels, ambition and selfishness (not so new ) increase global warming, and this destroys parts of the planet far away (increasing).
spend years and years, we arrive at 2025. Mary never changed his lifestyle, he became a cold businesswoman (words that are rarely separated), and reached the "success" (if we look at success as an accumulation of material assets, destroyers of the planet and equality).
The biggest catastrophe due to climate change, the first thing that destroyed her house, she slowly died, crushed by its air conditioning, watching their babies die, torn apart by a family, desperate to eat.
land Now watch, listen to what you teach, open your eyes and look, in your hands you the life ...
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