Friday, April 30, 2010

Punched Someone Now Hand Hurts

(image: Earthship , garbage warrior)

The architecture solar was initially used by ancient cultures such as Egypt, their calculations to determine the position of the sun in each season, many cultures used mathematics and architecture solar to do their studies on crops, on the sky and also to develop a technology allowed for example in a particular day of the year, the sun enters through a window or endija, so schedules were established.

All this technology has been lost a bit in the conventional architecture, perhaps because in the big cities, the architects built on a site already established, with guidance set or maybe because it solves all with air conditioning or stove.

Many times when you think bioclimatic architecture people think that these concepts are expensive, this is a mistake, sometimes you just need different target windows, and change slightly the order of things, without spending more, simply by stereographic calculations and thermal balance can do many things, and significantly reduce energy future that can be used in air conditioning.

stereographic calculations

We have a free resource that is the sun, because we can calculate precisely stereographic calculations for a given territory, the times of the year we want to get direct gain, so as to heat a wall (could be a Trombe wall) or simply to capture direct radiation inside a house.

As the sun's position varies from winter to summer (winter is closer to the horizon the route, ie the sun is below) is easy then to calculate eaves, ceilings, walls and windows where I want not enter the summer solar radiation (because we want to keep cool) and in winter to enter the radiation (for profit Solar ).

With this principle, well calculated, properly orienting windows and properly using the concept of thermal hub (to store heat in the walls) we manage to build buildings that will automatically regulate its temperature.

Thermal Balance

is important to make a heat balance is something we have to keep in mind all architects, now in many places there is no subject in the faculties of architecture where look stereographic load, heat balances or earnings.

When building an eco-efficient or sustainable building have to do a thermal study of it, we have tools for it. The first is to analyze each wall, its thickness and composition (there is a property called thermal transmittance , this indicates the amount of energy passing through a body or building element in unit time) and so we are doing little to little house, looking at each element, type of walls, ceilings, windows, with this we can calculate the percentage by which sector we have higher losses and act on it, for example find that there are many windows and too much energy through the glass or ceiling then we can discuss whatever we save on gas, getting a double glass, with an air chamber in the roof or using certain insulation.


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