Sunday, May 2, 2010

Crest Whitening Strips And Headaches

Avatar: my spiritual vision ...

I dedicate this post to Avatar, a film of which there was much talk of seeing just finished and I think I came as more than a movie. Beyond the anecdotal, the author of this movie, James Cameron, is a being with a spiritual depth, no denying it, and appreciate movies is so.

For many people, these movies are nothing more than science fiction, but for others is a confirmation that there are many who believe in the balance with the universe, and we know very well that our species, young adventurous and something stupid, it is ruined.

is our spirit to defend this land, this connection. We can not keep fighting for resources we destroy and deplete damaging the balance with the everything. Lost

the spiritual connection of our ancestors, we may have to go far, go back to the shamans, but miraculously left some of them, because we are in a constant war where if you go back only to see blood spilled needlessly by not knowing live in this world and listen to nature-

Avatar is a critique of the colonization model, is what made colon to kill millions of people in Latin America that called Indians "monkeys", "uncivilized" is what he does the perverse power of the powerful American conquerors, is the same as Hitler did. That soul of conquest, the monopolization of absolute power that is blind to see mas alla de sus intereses egoicos personales transmitidos de genración en generación.

Por suerte muchos tenemos la capacidad y sensibilidad para ver, tenemos que hacer un esfuerzo por irradiar mas amor, porque el amor une, esto no es mitico, no estoy drogado, la paz de nuestra alma irradia luz, tenemos que estar en paz y escuchar a la naturaleza, hay muchos que vuelven a ella solo cuando mueren, cuando sus cenizas o sus huesos se unen a la tierra, pero muchos tenemos la posibilidad de volver a ella en vida, siendo concientes de ello.

Cuando logras eso te vuelves el todo, disuelto en él, quieres respetar a todos y buscar la evolución para todos, no quieres que nadie sufra o muera sea quein sea y este en el rincon of the galaxy than this, you will protect, cherish, understand, accept but you can not let you kill, you have to fight to defend that which radiates love, can not stay in your life monotony of going to work just to pay vacuum system based on real life materials, feeding inequality.

As Krishnamurti says, one must see things in depth, we are all guilty of this as our blindness does not let us see therefore that we were brainwashed, is a system that did and repeat, as explained in the movie The Wall, also reminded me of trips carl sagan, cosmos, also happened to Ami, very similar to Avatar, maybe all angles of the same.

I really surprised, because I have the view that we are connected to everything, but that connection is difficult at a time when human beings as we know it was isolated from the media, but today all animals except man predict comes a tsunami, what he told me about that? myth or reality? ... I do not believe in the dolphins, I think they are re honest. There are very serious and interesting study that proves to a forest that serves as a neural network, there are very interesting and serious studies showing that the planet is a giant body movement, where everything depends on everything, everything is in balance, in the great adventure of ground, each species has a role, each species has its place, nothing is useless or harmful, equilibran.El engine are all life is the link. (Last two sentences of the movie home )

Overcoming the ego comes to the holistic vision, and when you get a holistic vision will become part of everything, and do not measure time in years but in light years, and no 're taking care of your life, but look for the welfare of all beings on earth and the galaxy, when I feel the same way, are you god, you become so powerful that your world is growing and it is easier to be part of the vision at all, understand your limitations on your individual fragmentation and see that there are other planes of consciousness where you connect to love, happiness and the essence of all things.


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