Monday, May 17, 2010

Linsey Dawn Indian Doctor

What do you think will happen in the world in the next 10 to 15 years? Catherine Mohr

This morning send an email to many acquaintances ask what they think will happen in the next world 10 to 15 years, this is the first mail I get and it seemed very cute I wanted to share with you. By Andrew Gosis

A new awakening of man and popularization of the techniques of ascension, healing and cleaning necessary to clean the water and land, and recognition of our true nature to be sacred we tend to gold bonds of solidarity with all humanity and the Earth in general and as an entity.
a value addition to the experience itself and out of the predatory scheme of production and consumption, which would be a lesser threat to the earth's biosphere in general.
My fundamentals are direct experience working with people and energy techniques and sacred healing. That did not exist and are published only recently that humanity is ready to make this leap in consciousness and paradigm shift. There may be a major crisis before, or revolution may be a relatively pleasant and without great hardship.
I encourage you to expose this, because it is also demonstrative of a large number of people spiritualized. We are not few and is a current of thought and action exists (and thanks to God, for the last 10 years now, growing exponentially).
Andrés Gosis Usui Reiki Master
· Tera Mai · Karuna
Energy Therapy Master integrated · Aqualead
Magnified Healing First Phase


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