Garbage and Recycling Campaign May and June 2010
Our action hurts more and more to the planet. While slowly increasing awareness of this serious problem, few changes performed. That is why Ambientate Campaign Launches Educational Program in pursuit of increased environmental awareness.
Through this program Ambientate creates spaces where professionals, civil society organizations and interact with the public providing information on specific actions greening ; our lives. To promote this mission is to work with other groups, taking advantage of experience and action.
awareness campaign will be two months and will cover the most pressing issues in Argentina today. campaign Garbage and Recycling last until late June.
Current Situation
With the departure of the economic crisis, the purchasing power and consumption levels Argentina's rise, and every year it generates more trash. In the City of Buenos Aires daily are buried in landfills 5,000 tons of garbage which is one of the larger structural problems of the capital.
Many companies choose to package their products in disposables and 30% of the things that end up in the trash is packaging, which takes between 100 and 400 years to decompose.
At the same time, continued lack of consumer information on the environmental impact of products they buy and also a lack of support for the work of the pickers, who belong to a selected collection garbage and recycling. As a result, no one separates the trash and everything ends up in landfills.
Zero Waste Act
In November 2005 the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires approved the 1854 Act, known as the "Zero Waste" . This standard defines the criteria for management of solid waste generated in the capital and provides the tools to generate the transformation that the current system urgently needs.
The plan proposed by the Law is the progressive Reducing the amount of trash that is buried by the growth of industries associated with recycling and material recovery and reduction in waste generation. By 2010 we should achieve 30% reduction of total waste sent to landfills for burial as in 2004.
Unfortunately, delays in the implementation of this law are enormous and the City of Buenos Aires still no real solution to the problem of waste.
What can you do?
Always try to keep in mind the 3 R's: REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE ! Do you really needed all the things you buy? What you're buying new, is it possible to get used? It is not only considerably cheaper but also avoids saving packaging.
Separate Garbage for Cartoneros
In the City of Buenos Aires is a selected collection of garbage and recycling: the pickers. To help them do their jobs, separate the trash. go out, meet your rubbish, ask what time they spend, and give them separate waste directly to them is an easy and pleasant to help the environment
stop using plastic bags
Bring a cloth bag when you go shopping or start taking up a bigger bag so you can put things directly into your own pocket. It is simple and saves oil, energy and decreases the amount of garbage. Not all plastic bags are biodegradable and over is estimated that nearly 90% ends up in landfills life.
not throw trash on the street
If you do not throw garbage in the middle of your house, why you do it in the streets? It is very common in Buenos Aires, to see people drop paper, packaging and other in public as if the streets that we walk every day is not ours. Also many times when heavy rain falls, the sewers do not work as they should because they are clogged with garbage that we pull in the street.
chose returnable
Whenever you have the choice between reusable and disposable dudes.Puede not be more annoying, but it is cheap, and generates far less waste than disposable containers. Most brands of beer and soft drinks give us a choice.
Buy large quantities
When you go shopping, I always try to buy the biggest package - takes less packaging and almost always cheaper. For example, instead of buying a 200ml shampoo, you could buy a 750ml - avoiding buying three plastic bottles and invest in a larger purchase to save money in the long term.
IMPA Festival in
A festival to celebrate the World Environment Day with an exhibition of products made from garbage, a parade of Trash Fashion, music Urraka; Reciclarte art, a clothing exchange talks and debates on various campaign issues: waste problems in a megalopolis, the role of the rubbish, the problem of technological waste, and the Zero Waste law. We ended the day with a toast at Big Boom Gallery of Palermo, the headquarters of Reciclarte and a street party.
June 5: 12 to 19hs, IMPA, QuerandÃes 4290, Almagro; 19h onwards, Gallery Big Boom, Cabrera 5216, Palermo.
Environmental Film Series
projection of documentary films and most important of Argentina and the rest of the world on the environment.
Every Monday at 20pm, Bar of the Tribe, Lambaré 873, Almagro. FREE
Stand in ArteBA
Ambientate, together with the NGO "Potential" will have a booth at the Bicentennial edition arteBA 2010. Is 25 to 29 June in La Rural. The space will be dedicated to recycling and environmental action and social recovery.
If you want to help at events as a volunteer, please let us know!
For more information about events and other activities Ambientate, please write to or visit www.
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