According to the laws of physics can not produce energy from nothing, the energy is transformed and releases heat these transformations, and there are many losses (which are only energy transformations).
Even so, a Russian scientist, Muammer Yildiz, just shown in a presentation at the University of Delft (in Netherlands), it is possible to make a generator based on magnets, which produces free energy, free cable, free free fuel and external stress.
Muammer Yildiz has demonstrated his magnetic motor. It looks perfect as it begins to rotate its axis and move a fan high speed. It has run without wires in front of some 30 scientists gathered in a room.
After running for more than 10 minutes at a constant speed, the device is dismounted in front of the group so they could see that no batteries were hidden in the device. "The free energy is possible," he told the group. Awesome!
This principle is very similar to that used in nanotechnology, which are used to generate loads atomomicas engines, this is done by manipulating atoms of different loads, combined in such a way that generate forces capable of moving magnetic rings of atoms.
* Source: Permaculture Network
then the video of the demonstration.
not eliminated because the video link with the demonstration at the University of Delft in front of a recognized group of scientists, so change the link to a series of lists that I found on his work go to the link
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